Steeve S. Cai
2 min readMay 27, 2021

May 27th 2021 interview diary

— 12:00 —

It’s 12. Time to rest. I closed my company laptop and get up woefully.

After stretching a little bit, I went to my room and set up my mac for the incoming online interview.

I put on my suit and it looked good. However, I was kind of sure that Covid and lockdown should be responsible for my aggravating weight gain.

Maybe some compensation from State, I wondered.

— 12:30 —

I took a deep breath and click the link. I was like on my way to the guillotine with one-way ticket.

Manager greeted me with smile (smirk). After the other interviewer joined us, he started introducing himself to me. My mind was flying away whilst he was quoting standard intro verbatim. With stoned face, I was collecting my thoughts candidly, and he could tell if he were a mind reader.

“Tell me about yourself” and it brought me back to the earth.

“I have been working at …blah blah blah”

“You said you’ve learnt a lot from … Why don’t you give us an example about…” Darn, stupid question again ? huh wait I didn’t see it coming!!!

“So Do you know the car … “ oh my God, What did I just say? “ … are quite different than the other…”

“Hmm…” interruption from the Manager.

“OK, Let’s change to our mother tongue, tbh, I have no idea what you were saying.” Neither did I. Sheet!! I mess up.

— 13:00 —

“We are going to have two problems for each interviewee. And we’ll be back at 13:15, good luck.”


It’s kind of easy anyway, but I bet I got no chance to second round.

— 13:15 —

I re-joined the Chat room, and Senior was there waiting for my answer. And she gasp whilst I was typing in the chat.

“Cuz I wrote on the paper, it would take me awhile for typing them in the chat.”

“Never mind, you can tell me about your answer instead.”

“A, and Dear… blah blah blah”

“It’s good, at least to me it’s clear and understandable.” What a heart-wrenching line. She must be an angel !!!

“It’s so nice of you.” I replied

“And that’s all. We’ll inform you if you pass to the next stage. “

“OK, have a nice day” Though I knew that’s it, I was out.

— 13:40 —

I finished my interview. And I mean “FINISHED”.

It’s good to have a cold drink in the Summer afternoon. I wandered in the street as if I were a freeman. Oh wait, I am a Slave of Capitalism who is conscripted into the Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated.

Thank Lord for the lockdown & WFH, I praised. A man who was once a Obama fans lost in the desert. Only when this man see through the mirage of upward mobility does he become aware of the madness fo materialism.

Steeve S. Cai

He wore a silver white fringe around his collar: standard-issue for an BA major.